Tipping Point was Reached- copied from 01-Sept-2005
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About a half full glass of knowledge, passion for learning and helping others who want it.
##23 Days Since Planet Earth Officially Hit Tipping Point.
Well, it has just been 23 days since we hit tipping point. I could have written this piece at any time in the preceding several days and no changes would have to be made, a rather scary thought in one way, an incredible journey into the next century in another.
Is this Just a TASTE of things to come?
Are we really going to have to get used to such extreme weather conditions and in a real hurry as all pointers seem to be directed, with current global conditions set toward disaster for man and his unique way of life.
Can We Cope?
One question we have to ask ourselves (if time allows), is that of Did we leave it all too late to change our patterns and trends to use different fuel resources and have we left it too late to relocate those in direct danger of future catastrophes and to provide better infrastructure that can withstand such havoc wreaking forces of nature including within the infrastructure self sustaining systems such as power supplies that are localised and not so reliant upon large grids?
Have we Heard the Scientists?
Has any of heard the alarm bells set off by the scientific community on the 10th of August or have we been too busy responding to the alarming increase in weather phenomena .
Since the 10th of August Europe has seen devastating forest and bush fires that raged through Portugal abnd surrounding countries whilst less than 100km away many other European countries were being swamped in severe floodwaters as rivers burst their banks, levy’s broke, mudslides crashed down and general chaos reigned supreme. Just weeks before England and other countries within the UK and Ireland were inundated with typhoon conditions leading to severe flooding and untold damage. A large Typhoon hit Japan derailing a thought to be un-derail able train, another swept through Taiwan, India has been swamped as has Bangladesh by unusually severe conditions and flooding caused by they annual Monsoon although it was very late this year, and that after surviving through the devastating Tsunami of last year. Now we have the united States under damage control as the states of Mississippi and Louisiana are in crises mode with over 90 000 square miles all but destroyed by the large tornado that swept oil -rigs up to 90 miles in the storm to land on the mainland, at a minimum it is thought that as much as 18% of the population of Mississippi is dead and many thousands in Louisiana with these tolls rising by the minute as heat and moisture create bacterial delight and an orgasmic orgasm for Organism’s which are breeding merrily within the sludge that lies in and around the grand old city of New Orleans.
People wonder where the help is, well it is in the same place as that awaiting those survivors of the Tsunami who still are on their own, it takes time and with so much area inundated just to get to the survivors will take ages as there are people in need every step of the way in toward thwe likes of New-Orleans.
Should we get a sky writer?
I am thinking seriously that a skywriter could put a message out to the people who are thinking they are left deserted that help will come. It could let the people know that Louisiana and Mississippi are disaster areas to be patient.
Let the people loot!
I know it sounds like promoting some sort of Anarchy but surely if you weere to just let the people loot the shops they would be taking their stress and violence out on the products and not the people, it would free the authorities to help those who want and need it and also give those bored desperate folk something to do, almpst all of those goods are surely to be written off anyhow as losses by the owners and so why not let some enjoy, it looks like right now that you are dammed if you just stand by and don’t help yourself but you are also dammed if you do try and help yourself to clean clothes and such for self and family as you risk being shot or arrested as a looter.
In the same city at the same time we have complaints coming in by those with resources to help themselves that FEMA is then stepping in and taking these resources which is no different to what the looters (those labelled as such are doing) and it seems at the moment that many many people are now in grave fear and danger because their one source they had to get themselves up and out of the danger zone has been confiscated and taken by the organisation in charge or rescue. Of course it must be that these buses and such are considered in much more need in other places but time will tell. It must be a time of incredible stress
One hospital that managed to report live were happy to have their patients rescued but soon into the operation it was disturbed by a gunman who wanted to commandeer a helicopter to get him to safety. Then a couple of hours later another live report at the hospital gave us a picture of the evacuees returning as the place they were being evacuated to had no resources to care for them and they were dying and so they were being unloaded again some already gone.
As the days go on this will get clearer and more of a realisation of the huge catastrophe unfolding before the nation of the US will sink in.
Meanwhile we must face up to the idea that this is no one off thing happening anymore but a way of life that we will have to adapt to although the signs point toward a much more severe set of condition before us in days to come. A look at Florida may give an idea of the increase in weather intensity or a look at he flooding in the UK over the last decade or so as in Europe.
A check on the Tsunami’s or volcanic eruption increases, the size of the hole in the ozone layer, the melting of the polar ice caps, the huge forest fires through out Asia (Indonesia in particular).
We have to face the fact that in a much shorter time than we thought many changes will/are occur/ing that we may not be able to keep up with the fixes. I see a grave shortage of drinking water and have been saying this for some years now.
In the long run of course provided some great catastrophic event does not remove our populate of the knowledge needed we will retrofit our cities and towns for a new millennia of which we are good at doing if we cannot change the environment itself.
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